Follow up Letters

Creative Follow-Up Letter Before Interview: 7 Samples

Follow-Up Letter Before Interview
Written by Danish Ali

You have secured an interview with a company you have been eyeing for a while. Now it’s time to take the extra step that some candidates forget – sending a follow-up letter. A follow-up letter shows your appreciation for being considered for the position and underscores your intent to secure the job. In this article, we’ll guide you on how to write a follow-up letter before interview and include seven ready-to-use samples.

Importance of Writing a Follow-Up Letter Before Interview

Even though sending a follow-up letters after an interview is common, it’s surprising how many candidates don’t send one. In fact, only less than 50% of candidates send a follow-up letters after an interview (according to Career builder).

Outside of showing your appreciation, following-up puts your name back into the interviewer’s inbox ensuring that you will stay top-of-mind before the interview. Practically speaking, your follow-up serves as a second chance to make a first impression.

Now that we know why writing a follow-up letter is important let’s go over the essentials of what’s needed for a well-written follow-up letter.

For More: Best Follow Up Letter After Final Interview 11 Templates

What to include in your Follow-Up Letter Before Interview

Before exploring the 7 the sample follow-up letters, here are the essential key components that should be in your letter:

  • Subject Line: A clear subject line gives the recipient a quick overview of what to expect. Your subject should be brief and fully capture the essence of your letter. For instance, use: “Thank you for interviewing me” or “Follow-up on our interview”.
  • Gratefulness & Personalization: Start off by thanking the interviewer for taking the time out of their schedule to meet with you. Personalise your thank you note with specifics about the conversation, moment or company that has remained with you.
  • Restate your Interest: Restate your desire for the position and ensure that you communicate your willingness and readiness to learn about the company and be a contributing member of the team.
  • Highlight a selling point: A follow-up letter is another opportunity for you to remind the interviewer about your suitability for the position. Be sure to highlight a selling point that would demonstrate your fit for the role.
  • Keep it Short: Your follow-up letter should be brief, straight to the point and free from fluff or unnecessary details that are not related to the application. Typically, a follow-up letter should be between 100 to 200 words.
  • Call to Action: End by suggesting the next step of the interview process and that you are looking forward to having the opportunity to demonstrate your suitability for the role.
Follow-Up Letter After In-Person Interview

Sample Follow-Up Letter After Phone Interview (General)

Dear David,

I wanted to thank you for our conversation earlier today. The opportunity at company X stood out as an incredibly exciting and challenging role that would allow me to make a positive impact in a new industry.

I am excited about the chance to develop my skills in helping a company of your caliber and experience in a new industry.
Please let me know when we can schedule the next steps in the process.

Thanks again,
[Your Name]

Follow-Up Letter After Video Interview

Dear [Interviewer Name],

Thank you for taking the time to speak to me about the (job title) role at (company name). I appreciate you taking the time to tell me more about the position, your company, and your experience working in the digital marketing world.

I believe that my love for digital marketing, coupled with my proven track record of excellent project management skills, make me a great fit for the position and company culture.

I’d love to continue discussing this opportunity and explore my potential contributions to the role. Please let me know next steps for the interview process.

Thank you again for your time!

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Follow-Up Letter After a Phone Interview With Another Staffer

Subject: Thank you for our conversation and interview.

Dear [Interviewer name],

Thank you for speaking with me today. I enjoyed hearing about the (department) team and the role of the (position) at your company, and appreciate your willingness to invest time in the interview process.

It was great to discuss the challenges and opportunities of the role with you, and I think it convincingly fits with my experience and goals. I believe that my skills in (key area of expertise) will be particularly valuable in the position. 

I’m determined to further explore this opportunity, so please let me know how we can proceed further.

Thank you again for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon!

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

For More: Great Follow-Up Letter After Applying for a Job: 7 Samples

Follow-Up Letter After In-Person Interview

Dear [Interviewer Name],

Thank you for taking the time to meet me in person to discuss the [job title] opportunity at [company name]. It was great to learn more about the team and the work that is being done, and I’m excited about the potential to make contributions to the company. 

My experience in [relevant skills] combined with my knowledge of the industry make me confident that I would excel in the role. Again, thank you for your time and consideration. 

Please let me know about the next steps in the process.

Best regards, 

[Your Name]
Follow-Up Letter After Video Interview

Follow-Up Letter Before Interview Hyper Specific

Dear [Interviewer Name],

Thank you for taking the time to interview me for the [job title] position at [company name]. I was impressed by your team and the company culture and believe my experiences in [specific skill] can aid in the company's growth and development. 

I am also impressed by the impact the [company name] organization has had on the industry and its approach to [specific approach]. After our interview and some research on my own, I came to realize the dedication and values embodied by [company name] resonates with me on both a professional and personal level. 

Is it possible for me to volunteer with [company name] over the next few months or be a professional mentor to teens or young adults aspiring for a career in [Company's industry]? I'm looking forward to hearing from you! 

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Follow-Up Letter Before Interview for Post Networking

Dear [Interviewer Name],

I hope you had a great time at [event / conference] and it was fantastic to meet you. Your talk on [specific topic] was informative and matches some of the work I've been doing in [relevant field].

As we discussed, my experience working with [specific skill/client] may be of interest to [company name] and I'm looking forward to exploring this opportunity with the team further.

Thank you again for taking the time to chat, and it would be great to touch base soon.

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Follow-Up Letter Before Interview for Post Career Fair

Dear [Interviewer Name],

I wanted to thank you for giving me your time at [career fair name] and for the helpful information about the [job position] role at [company name]. Your team culture and approach to work aligns with my values, and the mission of your company aligns with my work aspirations.

I remain excited about this opportunity and would love to build further on our conversation about [specific topic] in relation to how it can directly impact work at [company name].

Kindly let me know if there is any additional information needed or next steps.

Best regards, 

[Your Name]


Crafting the perfect follow-up letters before interview requires careful detailing and personalization. Ensure to do enough research to demonstrate your interest in the company, specific role, and the interviewing team.

Make use of the samples provided as a guideline to tailor your personal follow-up letters. Remember that the letter should be kept short while demonstrating your suitability for the position. And, most importantly, take the time to say thank you. Hopefully, these tips and samples will help you secure your dream job.

About the author

Danish Ali

I have a five-year Experience in Digital Marketing Run Different Blogs & Businesses That Generate six Figure Income. I am Happy to Consult Startups & New Businesses & You to Make your Business a Brand.